Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday pack up

Another early morning for Jade as she headed off to CATS gymnastics for her second and final training session there. she was really looking forward to seeing the girls she'd met the previous week. I left Jade there for the 3.5 hour training session and came home to take the Christmas tree down and pack. Jarrah helped me with the tree and finished it off for me when I left to get Jade again.

The morning training group

When I picked Jade up I took a photo of Jade and some friends in her Level 7 group. One girl didn't come today and Jade was sad not to have a photo of her.

Jade is getting over her heel and elbow injuries and did a back handspring on the low beam and a front aerial on floor today. I hope that 2010 is an injury-free year for her.

The rest of today we've been doing laundry and packing. I bubble-wrapped Jarrah's new baseball bat and it fits nicely into the black (extra) suitcase along with other things we've bought to bring back. I've bubble-wrapped the glass pie dish I bought at Walmart to make pies in and put that in my carry-on pack. I've been looking for a pie dish for a few years now in Australia unsuccessfully.

We don't know what it's going to be like flying tomorrow with the new restrictions.

We'll be travelling all day tomorrow and won't get to our hotel probably until 6pm or so. I can't imagine what this next phase of our trip is going to be like. It's going to be very different from what we've been doing so far.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Diane
    Great to talk to you last night
    I will have to show the kids your blog and photos tonight when I get home from work. They surprised me today by coming downtown to meet me for lunch and I was saying how I saw the photos of your kids skating. They were on their way toa n exhibition of guitars.
    Re: indexing. I have a 2 page summary of my steps to becoming an indexer on my website (My talk to students at Dalhousine University). The Aus/NZ society is at
    One of the most prominent indexers in Aus is Glenda Browne whom I heard of actually before I got into indexing. She got an IgNobel (satirical award for pointless research) one year for a paper about the challenegs of indexing "the" (as in, do you index "Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the," or leave it in reading order.. what about The Hague? You see the fun things you get to do as an indexer...
    Have a great time at Disney, looking forward to seeing your photos and stories.
