Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday shovelling and cleaning

It snowed all night Saturday night and on Sunday morning everything was covered with about 8 inches of snow. The kids were really excited and wanted to go out and shovel. Dad actually found my child-sized snow shovel and gave this to Jade to use. (I know I must take some pictures to put with these posts.) It didn't take long before the kids figured out that shovelling snow was hard work. I went out and had a go myself. I don't think I've shovelled snow for over 30 years! It all comes back though like riding a bike.

After shovelling off the sidewalks and even doing the neighbor's path up to their house (they always do Dad's sidewalks for him so I thought it would be nice to pay them back a bit) the kids made snow angels and then Jade tried to make a snowman but the snow was a bit too dry and powdery to stick together.

Paul and I came inside and then started to do some housecleaning. We spent the afternoon cleaning. Paul did the vacuuming, the kids dusted and I sorted through things and also cleaned out the fridge. Dad isn't able to do much cleaning himself because he gets tired so we were glad to be able to help him out. He is 91 and is doing great to still be living independently!

In the evening Jarrah cooked quesidillas and did a great job with them. At dinner we discussed what we're going to do during the week. Baking Christmas cookies is on the cards but we'll probably have to go out and get ingredients for them. I don't know how I'm going to go driving in snow. It was one thing just to have to remember which side of the road to stay on but another complication to have to deal with sliding and skidding at the same time. We'll see how I go!

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