Friday, December 18, 2009

We're in the air right now!!!

We're in the air right now! We just left LA about half an hour ago and we're flying over some mountains dusted with snow. The ground looks very brown and dry. American Airlines has gogo internet inflight so I thought I'd use this unique opportunity to go online and blog. Jarrah is also waiting for me to check the cricket scores for him.

Our flight to New York is about 5 hours and we'll take a limousine up to Connecticut to Grandpa's house after that.

Our cell phones are now connected to T-mobile and charged up but we can't use these inflight obviously.

We didn't sleep very well last night. Our Radisson hotel room had two double beds--I was expecting queen size--and we found these rather squishy. Jade also had a nightmare and yelled out about midnight. I was sleeping well until then but couldn't get back to sleep afterwards until about 3am. We had a wake up call at 4:30.

Impressions so far--I'm noticing that I'm having a bit of trouble understanding people--at least the official people we've had to deal with in person or on the phone. People seem to speak very quickly and even mumble a bit and they also don't explain things very well--like when they give directions they kind of vaguely wave somewhere without telling you exactly where to go. For example, when the guy at the hotel desk gave us directions to the In-n-Out Burger place last night he said to go right and walk about a mile but we weren't sure if he meant right out the door of the hotel and then straight or to go down the street and then turn right at the corner. I had to ask him if the restaurant was on West Century Boulevard (the hotel's address) or another street and then he told us it was on Sepulveda Blvd which was the corner where we had to turn right. So there were actually two 'rights' involved in the directions but he only gave us one.

I also had a bit of trouble understanding the T-mobile guy on the phone last night. He spoke very softly--it didn't help that my roommates were talking while I was trying to hear him either. I don't recall having so much trouble understanding people on previous trips so maybe this is just all a coincidence right now. I'll have to see what it's like when we get to the East Coast.

Oh we are just flying over the most gorgeous snow-dusted mountains now! I just took a photo but unfortunately there is a large aircraft engine in part of the photo. I guess it needs to be there to keep us up!

Here is a photo of Long Island as we are coming in to land.

I have to conserve my laptop battery as I have no way to recharge it on the flight so I'll finish for now.

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